Thursday, October 19, 2006


A comment reminded me of something that I wished to mention. This may surprise some people, but I am the proud owner of a black, 80GB, video iPod. And a pleased one at that - the video quality and storage capacity are awesome. Now, Apple fans will probably be horrified to hear that not only did I not take photos of the packaging and various stages of its opening, but I actually threw the stuff out once I had liberated the iPod! In fact, I had ripped and torn the packaging during the act of opening it - a crime in some circles.

The upshot of it is that I have discovered the 43 folders podcasts and despite the fact that it looked about as interesting as listening to the sound of grass growing, it is actually quite good. I found myself relating quite quickly to their discussions. On a more entertaining front, I discovered Channel Frederator which is an animated/cartoon podcast and has some really good stuff.


James Webster said...

Hey Paul, if you are just discovering podcasting, don't forget to check out This Week in Tech, or TWiT as it is affectionately known. Its great general technology listening.

simon j said...

nice one, finally succumbed to the ipod revolution.